PreLawPro LLC
Terms and Conditions

Before we get started, let’s get the terms of our agreement clear – that way we can get to the important stuff as quickly as possible! We are PreLawPro LLC (‘PLP, we or us’) and you operate website, any courses offered and other linked and related sites (the “Site”) for the use and benefit of our customers, vendors, students, and other Site users (“You”) upon agreement to the following terms. Carefully read this agreement before using the Site. By using the Site and or our services you indicate acceptance of this agreement (the ‘Terms and Conditions’) and forms a binding agreement between you and PLP. If these Terms and Conditions don’t work for you, do not use this Site.

1. When you use our site

a) PLP provides numerous written, visual and digital resources to users of its Sites (;; and through the courses and consulting services that it provides (‘the Resources’).  You are not permitted to edit, distribute, modify or reproduce any of the Resources without the prior written permission of PLP. b)We retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the Resources and its Sites. c)You cannot reproduce, copy, duplicate, distribute, disseminate, publish, post (on social media, online, or elsewhere), display, perform, modify, create derivative works from, upload to, transmit, or in any way exploit any content from the Resources, any course material and/or on the Site.  You may not sell or offer for sale any of the content, or allow third parties to access it, or use such content to construct any kind of database. You will keep all Resources confidential, and will not sell, auction, loan, rent, give away, describe, summarize, or otherwise reveal the Resources or their contents, to any other person or entity. Any breach of these Terms and Conditions automatically terminates your authorized use of the Site.

2. User Warranty

a)You warrant that, in using the Site, you are not an agent or employee of any other market competitor, such as another admissions consultant or test preparation company. You further warrant that you are using the Site and the Resources only for the purpose of aiding yourself in the admissions process.

3. Intellectual Property

PreLawPro, and certain other brands, trademarks, and service marks are marks of PLP. The Resources on this Site are the intellectual property of PLP and any unauthorized use of any Resources on this Site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. All resources – including but not limited to text, photographs, video, audio, images, and any other content – appearing via the site or through online education are protected by copyrights and/or other proprietary rights belonging to PLP or other related third parties.

4. Hyperlinks

From time to time we will provide you with inks to external websites which we do so solely as a convenience to you. We do out best to check them and keep them up to date but we have not audited or reviewed all of those external websites, and have no control or responsibility responsible for the content of those sites. If you decide to access any of the external websites linked to this Site, you do so entirely at your own risk.

5. No Warranty

The Resources provided at this site are provided “as is” without any warranties of any kind including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property. PLP does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the Resources at this Site. PLP may make changes to the Resources at this Site, or to the services and prices described in them, at any time without notice. The Resources at this Site may be out of date, and PLP makes no commitment to update the Resources at this Site.

6. No Guarantees

You understand that using the services of PLP does not guarantee you any application decisions or outcomes. We do not and cannot purport to guarantee you admission into any particular school or tier of schools. Furthermore, PLP cannot and does not purport to guarantee that you will receive any specific amount of financial aid, scholarship, or award. Accordingly, our fees are payable before we start to provide our consulting services and regardless of whether you gain acceptance to your school/s of choice.

7.  What We Don’t Do

a) The legal profession is one that relies on integrity, without it the profession falls apart. As someone who wishes to enter the legal profession you will yourself need to have plenty of it. As a result, while we help you put strong essays, we do not write them for you. It’s your application, and while we do give you editorial support, guidance, and a lot of hands-on assistance, we will not write your essays for you. b) By working with PLP, you agree to refrain from any act of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, plagiarism or fraud. Any such act of academic dishonesty committed by you is neither endorsed, nor encouraged, by PLP. In the event such dishonesty is discovered, PLP will terminate this agreement, immediately and without any refund or reimbursement.

8. What We Ask Of You When Your Work With Us

a) You’re getting ready to become a lawyer, so we expect you to do the required work, and to do it on time. b) You are expected to take all tests seriously, regardless of whether it is the LSAT, GRE or any alternative. c) You will, in a timely fashion and without unreasonable delay, securing academic and personal recommendations. d) You will insure that you obtain all the necessary transcripts and make them available to the LSAC so that they can be entered into the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) in a timely fashion. e) Show up for meetings with PLP as and when they scheduled, missing 3 more meetings (without giving us 12 hours written notice) will result in the termination of this agreement without any refund or reimbursement. If you cannot attend a meeting, you must notify us by email at least 12 hours in advance. In the event that routinely cancel scheduled meetings (more than 5) we reserve the right to terminate our agreement, without refund or reimbursement. f) You will, as directed, without unreasonable delay submit your applications once they are deemed ready by us, in consultation with you. g) You will provide PLP with accurate and up to date information regarding your applications and results, including offers of financial aid in the format and on the platform that PLP directs you to. If you fail to do this, we may elect to stop working with you. This information helps us to help you. h) You are hiring us for our expertise and experience in this field. In the event you hire multiple consultants, or you begin to unreasonably ignore the guidance and advice of PLP, we reserve the right to terminate this agreement, without refund or reimbursement.

9. Course Content

a) PLP offers a number of courses to you for purchase, and the content provided therein is generalized in nature and for more detailed guidance, you may require personalized consulting. Please also that PLP does guarantee the course/s content and may amend the course and alter details without notice and at the sole discretion of PLP b) PLP is not responsible if you fail to meet requirements of any online class or course and you should make sure you can allot the necessary time to successfully complete the work required.

10. Time Costed & Concierge Services

a) PLP offers consulting services to you on a time costed basis and the rates of those services are subject to change, without notice. Those offerings include the following: i) A la carte consulting for law school admissions ii)10 hours of law school admissions consulting iii)15 hours of law school admissions consulting iv)Career coaching, charged at an hourly rate b) With regard to all of the above offerings, the following applies: i) All time is billed in 15 minute units, or part thereof, based on the hourly rate set by PLP. Time is charged for video and telephone calls, document editing, planning, strategy review and other related activities, including emails. Time is not recorded against time you have purchased for text messages. ii) If you choose to use the a la carte option, you will be required to purchase a minimum of 3 hours initially. After those first 3 hours you will be able to purchase time in units of no less than one hour at a time. iii) Career coaching is purchased in units of no less than three hours initially. Once those three hours have been used, you can purchase additional coaching in units of no less than one hour at a time. Time is recorded against what has been purchased for actual meeting time and we don’t charge you for the time we spend preparing for each session. However, we will record time against what you have purchased for telephone calls that exceed 15 minutes. c) If you have purchased the Concierge Package, you will have no reasonable limit on the number of hours of advising you are able to access from the date your purchase the package until 1 June of the following year. PLP’s Concierge Package clients get priority meeting bookings, document review and consulting. The Concierge Package includes completed applications to a total of seven (7) schools. If additional applications are sought, the client will be need to purchase additional hours. Concierge clients will also have access to advising assistance after they have submitted their applications for things such as scholarship negotiations, waitlist assistance and the like. It is expected that Concierge clients will proofread and spell check all work submitted for review. Failure you to do this on an ongoing basis will be basis for a formal warning. If the client continues to submit work for approval that hasn’t been spellchecked or proofread in willful disregard of the prior request, we may choose to terminate this agreement, without a refund.

11. Meetings and Interactions

All meetings will be held via Zoom or via telephone in the event of a poor internet connection. Such meetings will be scheduled by you, via a Calendly link that we will provide to you. All meetings will be scheduled between Monday and Friday, with exceptions being made at the discretion of PLP. PLP will make reasonable accommodations, especially for Concierge Package clients and those outside of the United States.

12. Technology and Security

a)When you use our site/s you agree to maintain the security of any username and password required for accessing any of our online courses or offerings. You will also refrain from sharing any login details (including Zoom call links) with anyone other than you. In the event that you become aware of you login details being compromised, you will immediately notify PLP. b)We reserve the right to remove you from any of our online courses, offerings and/or the Website if you do not respect these guidelines, or if you treat us in a fashion that is unprofessional or abusive. If such removal is necessary, we will not work with you and you will forfeit all funds paid, without exception. c)We provide our services and courses in a purely online fashion. As a result, it is your responsibility to ensure that they have the proper technology, along with access to a reliable internet connection, to be able to participate in the courses and services that we offer. d)We are not responsible for any errors or failures in relation to your ability to access the Resources, courses, services or any related materials, that we offer including where such errors or failures are caused by: (i) a loss of connection on our end, or yours (ii) a breakdown or problems with the online software and/or (iii) a breakdown or problems with your internet connection, computer or system.

13. Payment and Refunds

We do not offer payment plans and do not offer refunds on a full or pro-rated basis. Payment for services must also be made in full, before any consulting services will be rendered to you. Unfortunately, some people have tried to take advantage of our desire to assist them, only to fail to render full payment.

12. Cancelation By Us

a)PLP reserves the right to cancel any online courses by giving you notice in writing (including by email) at any time before the course is due to start. In the event of such a cancelation, PLP will refund all fees paid by you and if possible, will endeavor to offer a transfer to another course as an alternative, subject to payment or refund of any difference in purchase price. b)PLP’s liability when it cancels a course will be limited to a refund of the Fee or any other charges paid for the cancelled course. For partial cancellation of a course, such refunds will be made on a proportionate basis. All dates are subject to change, however, notice of such change will be given and refunds will not be issued for any rescheduled class. c)Any office hours offered by PLP will be held in US Central Time and will be subject to reasonable adjustment to account for things such as illness or family emergency on the part of the host. Such variances will be communicated to course participants via email.

13. Limitation of Liability

In no event will PLP, its suppliers, or other third parties mentioned at this Site be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, those resulting from lower admissions outcomes, interruption of services or inaccurate information) arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of the use of this Site, any websites liked to this Site, or the Resources or information contained at any or all such sites, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages. If your use of the Resources or information from this Site results in the need for servicing, repair or correction of equipment or data, you assume all costs thereof.

14. Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas applicable to contracts executed and to be performed therein, without giving effect to the choice of law rules thereof. Any action to enforce any provision of this Agreement may be brought only in a court of the State of Texas. Users waive all rights to trial by jury. However, all parties will use reasonable means to resolve any dispute prior to the issuance of proceedings.
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